QUS is partnering with local municipalities to re-purpose abandoned facilities in metropolitan areas into off-grid power generation sites. Utilizing renewable power generation, we desire to use these off-grid sites to over generate power and send the excess to the local providers in return for energy “credits.” We can then allocate these “credits” to select electricity customers, as well as businesses, public schools, and low-income households within the area. Thus, leading to affordable energy, job creation, and community enrichment.
We are seeking to partner with medical professionals, real estate developers, and utility companies.
Renewable Energy and Energy Storage technologies are now providing significant opportunities for businesses and building owners to take control over their current and future cost of energy, as well as making a positive impact on the environment.
Business profit continues to be hard hit with ever increasing Energy Rates and Use/Demand charges, but many are so overwhelmed by the complexity of what to do, they often choose to cut expenses in other areas to avoid the fear of making the wrong decision. The challenge with this approach is that the cost of energy will likely never lessen.
Utilizing digital intelligence, QUS assists our clients in formulating the best fit “off grid” energy solution that that works both financially and environmentally. In utilizing energy storage to reduce/eliminate any Use/Demand charges, we also combine On Site/Off Grid power generation technologies such as Solar, Wind, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Cogen, and more to further reduce the energy rate.
Financing vehicles now allow businesses and property owners to create immediate “bottom line” benefits with little or no upfront cost is required. In many cases, generation systems can be over sized and excess power can be sold to the local utility, creating an additional high profit revenue stream.